? Official Bittensor Update (2024-01-25T19:55:07.964000+00:00)

hey @everyone

@keith_keith_keith, @consttt and I will be holding a TGIFT today at 5 EST.
I’ll be sharing some slides and some thoughts on the growth of our project since revolution release, and also the vision for SN1 revamped.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

cruxcolor: 1942002
content_scan_version: 1
description: Over the last year, Subnet 1 (Bittensor’s first subnet) tested the limits of incentivized computing.

This week it is taking a new form as a the crown jewel Subnet for Bittensor ?
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timestamp: 2024-01-25T19:47:13.460000+00:00
title: Openτensor Foundaτion (@opentensor) on X
type: rich
url: https://twitter.com/opentensor/status/1750606267247214774?s=20