πŸ“£ Official Bittensor Update (2025-01-09T17:45:34.145000+00:00)

Hi @everyone:

We will be shortly upgrading the *Testnet* chain with Dynamic TAO.
In order to prepare Testnet subnets for this change read this document: https://docs.bittensor.com/dynamic-tao

> Note: If you are **not **using Testnet (most people) please disregard this message.

If you are using Testnet, it is essential that you upgrade your Bittensor version to work with the new chain (we will inform you when that has been done) or else some of the common commands your miners/validators use i.e. like `subtensor.metagraph` to retrieve the latest network state ***will fail***. Please read the above document explaining how you can change to the correct branch and avoid this situation.

Aside from the upgrade to the SDK and CLI, you should experience very little change in the actual consensus of your network. Why? because the normal TAO staked on your validators will still be counted in each mechanism. Within the next month or more your subnet token will begin to have more effect on the dynamics of Yuma Consensus. We will be releasing more information on how this works technically later.

We will do our best to explain more about this upgrade and what you need to know at todays Novelty Search. Please come at the usual time of today.

@consΟ„ [Ο„, Ο„]content_scan_version: 1
description: Dynamic TAO (D-TAO) is a planned evolution of the integrated tokenomic and governance model that underlies the Bittensor network. It represents a significant step in Bittensor’s trajectory toward more thorough decentralization.
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title: Dynamic TAO | Bittensor
type: article
url: https://docs.bittensor.com/dynamic-tao